Kathy Leader grew up in South Africa where she received a degree in fine art at the Michaelis School of Art, University of Cape Town. She then went on to get her masters in art education before moving to Los Angeles in 1985. It was from her studio in the Crestwood Hills Canyon that Kathy developed a body of work that was shown in various galleries. In 2021 she relocated to Santa Barbara which she says reminds her of her home in Cape Town. Her work is largely based on the spiritual longing associated with climate change.

In conjunction with her own work, Kathy teaches private art lessons and workshops out of her studio which she has named “The Art Process Studio”. She runs creative workshops for companies looking to bring wellness and creative thinking into the corporate world. Her style of teaching reflects her own creative journey allowing the process to become a personal voyage of internal discovery.

Along with her private teaching, Kathy has created an art program for the homeless and is a firm believer in the healing power of art which she blogs about monthly.


12/24: “100 GRAND” Sullivan Goss Gallery, Santa Barbara

11/24: “Thresholds” The Voice Gallery, Santa Barbara

11/24: “Ready to Hang” Community Arts Workshop

3/24: “Home/age to Earth” Solo Show Community Arts Workshop. Santa Barbara

4/23: “Earthdance” The Voice Gallery, Santa Barara

4/23: Earth - 2023 (34th Exhibition from Diversia series)

4/23: “Caw’s Effect 2023” Group show Community Arts Workshop outreach committee artists show

1/23: Climate Change, Las laguna Art Gallery

5/22:       Channing Peake Gallery, Santa Barbara

5/22:       “Uncanny” Westmont Museum of Art Santa Barbara

3/22:       Artist of the Month: Gallery 113, Santa Barbara

2/22:      “Ready to Hang” Community Arts Workshop, winner audience choice award

5/21:      Venice Artwalk Auction, Los Angeles

5/20:      Venice Artwalk Auction, Los Angeles
6/19:      Open Mind ArtSpace, Los Angeles: Group show “Subconscious Nature”
5/19:      Venice Artwalk Auction, Los Angeles
1/19:      Topanga Canyon Gallery: New Beginnings: Women Painter's West
1/19:      IMAGINE: Whizin Center for continuing education: Platt Gallery, American Jewish  
5/18:     Venice Artwork  Auction, Los Angeles
5/17:     Venice Artwalk Auction, Los Angeles
5/17:     CO-LA-LA-LAGE at The Loft at Liz’s, Los Angeles
3/17:     Santa Monica Airport Artwalk, Santa Monica Hanger Gallery
8/16:     “Artful” The Whizin Center's Soraya Sarah Nazarian Program in the Fine Arts 

5/16:     Venice Artwalk Auction, Los Angeles
4/16:     IMAGINE: Platt and Borsteins Art Gallery at AJU, Los Angeles
4/16:     HaleARTSPACE,Santa Monica 

2/16:     Night on Broadway, Los Angeles
10/15:   Artshare LA: “The Opposite of Algebra” 

11/09:   Culver City Warehouse: 10 Artists 10 Days 

10/09:   LA Municipal Art Gallery
10/98:   Artist Coop 7: Paintings on the Edge 


Artistonish: Contemporary Art Magazine: April 2022

Circle Quarterly Art Review 6th Issue

How Art Heals: Andra F. Stanton

 Santa Barbara Abstract Art Collective

Santa Barbara Art Association

SB Visual Artists

Collage Artists of America 

Artists Coop 7 

Los Angeles Art Association 

Jewish Artists Initiative 

Women Painters West 

So Cal Women’s caucus 

Juror: Buenaventura Gallery, Ventura: Annual Open Collage